Japanese Americans < The U.S.

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Julie Otsuka's part story/part memoir, "Diem Perdidi, a poignant portrait of her mother's heartbreaking and gradual loss of memory"
2009 freeair.viaway.com
Japanese Americans Authors

2017/10/11 Wine
Asian Americans

Japanese Internment Camp Collection
2017/7/4 repository.asu.edu
World War II History Asian Americans Arizona

Hawaii Renames Honolulu International Airport to Honor Late Sen. Daniel Inouye
2017/5/4 nbcnews.com
Airports Asian Americans Hawaii U.S.

Orange Is the New Black's Kimiko Glenn Asked for Your Pet Advice - This Is What You Said!
2016/6/16 usmagazine.com
Entertainment Asian Americans Pet Dogs New York U.S.

The Acquired Taste of Fresh Off the Boat
2015/2/5 time.com
Asian Americans Entertainment Cooking Authors

Fresh Off the Boat Star: I Don't Need to Represent Every Asian Mom Ever
2015/2/10 time.com
Entertainment Asian Americans Feminism

Obama Hugs Nurse Who Survived Ebola
2014/10/24 time.com
Health Asian Americans Texas Vietnam

Robert M. Wah, M.D., Inaugurated as 169th President of AMA
2014/6/10 ama-assn.org
Medicine Jobs Asian Americans Illinois U.S.

2015 AMA Annual Meeting -- AMA President Robert M. Wah, MD

2014 AMA Inaugural Address of Robert M. Wah, MD

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